3 responses to “The Savings of Crowdsourcing

  1. mystatedepartment

    Reblogged this on mystatedepartment.

  2. Interesting reading, although there is a problem with one of the quotes:

    “Citizens are more willing to pay taxes when they perceive that their preferences are properly taken into account by public institutions. Along these lines, the existing evidence suggests the existence of a causal relationship between citizen participation processes and levels of tax compliance.”

    The quote is not by Torgler and Schneider as the paper indicates, but actually from this blog post which reviews the literature on the benefits of citizen engagement:

    http://democracyspot.net/2012/11/24/the-benefits-of-citizen-engagement-a-brief-review-of-the-evidence/ which makes a review of the evidence

  3. jessicaday603

    Thanks for the note – we’ve corrected the document to cite the blog. Great reading!